Monthly Subscription Fees
Newborn to 17 years old $45 per month, 1/2 price for 3+ children
18-60 years old $90 per month, 1/2 price for spouse
61+ years old $120 per month, 1/2 price for spouse
Family Plans: Spouse is 1/2 price. 1st two children are $45 per month. 3 or more siblings is $25/month.
$99 One Time Registration Fee per Family or Household.
Call or email for business subscription plans.

How to Sign Up
To Register, click on the Register link on the right side of the screen and fill out the short form and provide us with your detailed medical history. Then, review and sign the Doctor-Patient Agreement.
Walk-In Services
- School and Camp Sports Physicals $25
- Dept of Transportation (DOT) Physicals $100 – without alcohol and drug testing
- Urgent Care services available for new patients with sign-up for 3 months. This is 5-10 times cheaper than a single ER visit and often cheaper than one traditional clinic or urgent care visit.
Member Services & On-Call Urgent Care
We treat most common chronic and acute conditions, including:
- Urgent Illnesses and Injuries
- Fractures, lacerations
- Cold and Flu
- COVID-19 Testing and Treatment
- Hypertension
- Diabetes, type 1 and 2
- Cholesterol and Heart Health
- Athletic and Sports Injuries
- Infections, UTI’s, Abscesses
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Migraines
- Acne and Common Skin Conditions
- Sports or Work physicals
- Chronic Pain Management without opiates or narcotics
For services not provided we will coordinate for specialist care or counseling. We treat many other conditions. Call or email for details.
We do not prescribe chronic use of DEA schedule medications (opiates, ADHD stimulants, sedatives).
Labs, X-rays, and Incidental Costs
We pass along savings for additional tests, by only charging you our costs.
- Knee and shoulder joint injections are included in subscription
- X-rays for $50-80
- MRI’s only $300-450
- Labs – routine labs are just $3-5 each
- Crutches, walking boots, and other durable medical equipment are at cost or we can temporarily lend to members at no charge.